
3 unusual facts about United Nations Foundation

Kathy Calvin

Kathryn Bushkin Calvin (born July 16, 1949) is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the United Nations Foundation.

Maureen Greenwood

Maureen is currently Director of Policy Initiatives, Women and Population Program at the United Nations Foundation.

United Nations Foundation

The Foundation worked with the music group Linkin Park in order to raise money and install solar-powered lights within displacement camps in Haiti.

Juliet Sorensen

Sorensen is the daughter of Theodore C. Sorensen (Ted Sorensen), the former special counsel to President John F. Kennedy, and the author of Kennedy and Counselor: A Life at the Edge of History, and Gillian M. Sorensen of the United Nations Foundation.

On Day One

BWC was started by the Better World Fund which together with the United Nations Foundation, is a product of entrepreneur and philanthropist Ted Turner’s historic $1 billion gift to support UN causes.

United Nations Office for Partnerships

The United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP) was established by then-Secretary-General Kofi Annan in March 1998 to serve as the interface for the partnership between the United Nations system and the United Nations Foundation—the public charity responsible for administering Ted Turner's $1 billion contribution in support of UN causes.

see also