
6 unusual facts about Miles Jacobson

Football Manager 2011

Sports Interactive Studio Director Miles Jacobson confirmed that some of the leaked information was accurate and some was not.

Miles Jacobson

Born in 1971 and raised in Watford, Jacobson spent more time on music than education when at school, singing or playing at the Royal Opera House, Royal Albert Hall, the Barbican and St Martin-in-the-Fields during this time.

That game was first published commercially in 1992 as Championship Manager.

Jacobson first became involved Sports Interactive as a fan of the game, offering his services as one of the early testers.

Miles Jacobson OBE is studio director of Sports Interactive, the team behind the Football Manager series of video games, and creators of the original Championship Manager.

Sports Interactive was founded in 1994 by Paul and Oliver Collyer on the back of the success they had achieved with a game they had originally created in their Shropshire bedrooms in the late 1980s.

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