
4 unusual facts about Herut

Israeli presidential election, 1957

Ben-Zvi stood again, and it was suggested that Yosef-Yoel Rivlin (father of Reuven Rivlin) would run against him as a representative of Herut.

Jessurun Cardozo

In 1948, The New York Times published a letter signed by Rabbi Cardozo and two dozen prominent Jewish figures including Hannah Arendt and Albert Einstein, which criticized the Herut party, described as an outgrowth of the Irgun which the letter called a "a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine" and criticized a visit to the United States by its leader, Menachem Begin.

M. J. Nurenberger

He was later a supporter of Herut and a friend of its leader, Menachem Begin, and supported Begin and his movement editorially.

Shoula Romano Horing

As a child, her parents took her to political rallies for then Herut leader, Menachem Begin.

Benjamin Halevy

He was elected to the Seventh Knesset for the Gahal (Herut-Liberal Bloc) list, and again to the Eighth Knesset in 1973 after Gahal had merged into Likud.

Yariv Levin

Levin was born in Jerusalem to Gail and Aryeh Levin, an Israel Prize laureate for general linguistics, His mother's uncle, Eliyahu Lankin, was commander of the Altalena ship and member of the first Knesset representing Herut, whilst Menachem Begin was the Sandek at Levin's circumcision ceremony.

Yigal Cohen-Orgad

He eventually returned to Herut, which by the mid-1970s had become part of the Likud alliance.

Zionist Freedom Alliance

Following the 2009 Israeli national elections, ZFA leaders teamed up with Kumah and other nationalist organizations to establish the L'Herut Tzion (For the Freedom of Zion) movement and champion the cause of Israeli independence.

see also