
unusual facts about Committee of Five

Committee of Five

On June 11, the members of the Committee of Five were appointed; they were: John Adams of Massachusetts, Roger Sherman of Connecticut, Robert Livingston of New York, Benjamin Franklin of Pennsylvania, and Thomas Jefferson of Virginia.

see also

Clarence Spiegel

Spiegel, and quarterback Menz Lindsey, then formed what was known as the "Committee of Five".

Coleman Lindsey

He was also a member of committee of five in charge of the 1924 inaugural ceremonies for Governor Henry L. Fuqua.

John W. Baumgartner

He was appointed to a committee of five council members in May 1940 to call on Mayor Fletcher Bowron to complain about "persistent and erroneous" remarks the mayor made about the council in his radio addresses.


After being pressured, however, the NCCB agreed to set up an "informal liaison committee" of five bishops: Furey, Manning of Los Angeles, Green of Tucson, Medeiros of Brownsville, and Buswell of Pueblo.


Pětka or Committee of Five, a Czechoslovak organization

World Heritage Centre

Plans were also validated by an international committee of five architects composed of Lucio Costa (Brazil), Walter Gropius (United States), Le Corbusier (France), Sven Markelius (Sweden) and Ernesto Nathan Rogers (Italy), with the collaboration of Eero Saarinen (Finland).