
6 unusual facts about Antonio de Mendoza

Acatlán de Juárez

In the year of 1550 the area for the first time attained the first level of a municipality, under the power of the viceroy of the New Spain, Antonio de Mendoza.

Antonio de Mendoza

On July 4, 1549 in Brussels, Emperor Charles V named Mendoza viceroy of Peru.


On October 26 the same year, personally Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza besieged El Penol with a powerful army and gave them so fierce battle that nearly ended with them.


Viceroy Antonio de Mendoza then visited the area, under his appointment by King Charles I of Spain to pacify the various indigenous people of New Spain and to unify the territory, which was partially divided among competing conquistadors.


The island of Sarangani was named by Ruy López de Villalobos in 1543 as Antonia, in honor of Antonio de Mendoza y Pacheco who commissioned Villalobos expedition to the Philippines.

Tierra Blanca, Guanajuato

Tierra Blanca was founded and granted the title of municipality in 1536 under the order of the first viceroy of New Spain, Antonio de Mendoza, making it one of the oldest in the state of Guanajuato.

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